
The super moon in Japan 2012

2012-05-07 17:39 Good(0) Comments(0)
in Pictures - 写真、絵
The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão
The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão

These are supermoon pictures I took in Tokyo, Japan May 5 and 6, 2012. The weather was good and no wind both days and so I was able to see the super moon in a clear night sky.

The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão
The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão

The picture below is a comparison of white balance on the EOS 60D. White balance settings are Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten, White fluorescent and Auto from left top to right down.

White balance comparison, full moon - Diferença de balanço de branco, lua cheia
White balance comparison, full moon - Diferença de balanço de branco, lua cheia

The super moon and two stars.

The super moon and two stars in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua e duas estrelas em Tokyo, Japão
The super moon and two stars in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua e duas estrelas em Tokyo, Japão

Full moon rise. The picture below taken with PENTAX Q and 01 STANDARD PRIME.

The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão
The super moon in Tokyo, Japan - A super lua em Tokyo, Japão

You can see more supermoon pictures in other articles below on this site.

The super moon 2012

The super moon 2012 No.2

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